There are many things a person can use as their strategy when they're signing up on a dating app, but what is the most effective approach for you to nail yourself a date that is perfect for both relationship or hook ups? I have just the perfect recipes for you.


This is the most basic necessities whenever you're signing up to a dating app, everyone is definitely into looks at the very first place and the last thing you want is everyone asking you if you're a catfish or a poser of someone else's identity, so it's best if you upload your most update photo whenever you had a chance. It will also benefit you in the long run of catching guy's attention as they will see you uploading new photos of you determining that it's really you and they would likely to engage more with you just because of your photos because it's like they're seeing you in reality already. It will also build you up as an interesting person because they will see more of you in a different way specially when you upload photos of you in different locations or beaches. Now I know that by just photos it's not that impacting but you'll be surprised on the amount of people who's basing their judgement of being interested with other people by just their pictures so it is essential to have updated profile photo to make you more outstanding than others.


Many people say "Keep It Short and Simple" in a lot of things, but when it comes to dating, keeping it Short but catchy is much more appropriate. People tend to be more interested with people leaving a catchy phrase on their bio. 

"On the hunt for something"

The word "Something" will generate infinite possibilities of translation depends on how the conversation goes, maybe some of you agrees to meet each other in person, or maybe you decided to have some coffee or dinner just so that you can get to know each other in a much deeper level. That powerful words can drive eagerness to someone to get to know you more, because your profile is more engaging and peculiar than those profiles who's just same as others. One thing you should avoid is giving your profile the impression of being dull and uninteresting because it will only lead you to nothing, ergo, more long chats to come without any outcome.


One of the most important thing when it comes to dating app, is for you to have your account secure and verified. As we all know catfishing are becoming easier and easier nowadays, and even having multiple photos on your account can be duplicated by someone who wanted to steal your identity and get away with it, what better way to put your dating app journey into safety than having your account verified. It is also statistically known that every dating app created worldwide gives more access to those verified account than those who's not, and also gives you more profile and audience to reach as you're bandwidth of the verification are giving you that legal will of you finding the right person in a much faster way. It is also highly likely that you'll attract the same profile, as the app algorithm will assign you closer with the accounts that is showing same interests.


In the world of dating, it has to be you who initiate in any form at any cost, Why? because if you were the one who's in control of the conversation, you'll probably end up getting the outcome that you wish to have, however, some of you are probably thinking, what if I'm too shy asking questions or even start the conversation, the answer is a just a simply "Hi" it may or may not jump start the conversation but it will be a good start to break the ice. Taking in the process with baby steps, are definitely the best way to start a conversation as both parties are too shy to even say anything right after matching. Of course it would be a different question if the other parties will be the one to initiate, if in that case the other parties were the one who started the conversation, make sure to read the next line item because if will perfectly fit the part.


When it comes to being chatty on a dating app, being wise with your answer is nice, but thinking of the best next question that is also accurate is the perfect bullet to fire back to the person you're talking to. One of the best strategies with approaching dating app is being able to come up with an answer that will accommodate the next big question that the person you're talking to will answer. This will identify your skills of being a conversationalist while digging deeper as to who are you really talking to. This will determine how far you can get to know them virtually before the big day of you meeting up with each other. This will help you out to ease the tension when you're together thinking what would you talk about, and how will you approach them personally. At this point you'll have some pointers on where you will start, and probably build the connection based on how you wanted it to be. This will also help you out to identify if the person you're talking to, is a relationship type of person or just good for hook ups. Neither of the two, it won't hurt you so much because at the end of the conversation. You will end up winning as you're the one who's in charge.


Many of you would probably ask why that questions needs to be answered on that certain way, and my answer is one thing. Answering that question with "Anything" would lead into many possibilities because you're not limiting yourself to just simply chatting or just because you're bored. It will lead into many things such as progressing action of the other party throwing some invites to go on a meet up somewhere or be asked if open for a type of courtship or being a fling to one another. It opens up the spectrum of you being open to any possibilities to where the conversation takes both of you, most of the time it ends up with meeting up on dates and some ends up with a nice night with someone being in bed with you, depends on how the conversation works. Either of the two will be a good ending as you're aiming for a positive outcome with your journey on the dating app where you signed up in.


Signing up on a dating app is a long shot kind of marathon, you get to talk to hundreds of people whom you hoping to have the same interests as you are, and that's why being patient in this charade is important. Dating is like going on a public market, you get to see many options, you get to compare the goods from one thing after the other but at the end of the day, it will always gonna be against you and the vendor as to how you will both come into terms of agreement for you to win whatever that is that you're trying to buy. In dating app, you're obviously selling yourself, you want people to see the best in you while getting to know them, and that's why it is mostly suggested to only show your good side at the first glance that you talk to someone to avoid getting them overwhelmed. It is also highly suggested to only tell them a bit of your secrets before you go on full blast looking possessive, paranoid or even with trust issues that most people doesn't want with whom they're dating. 

If you manage to acquire all of these, I can assure you that you'll find a date for yourself sooner than those who's just there not aiming anything aside from having long conversation.

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