When you started to learn something.

It's been quite a few months since my life went to a downward spiral, but now, everything is pretty much doing well. I mean, I am now enjoying my life, simply because I learned how to live simple. 
I learn that getting too much attached to something isn't good at all. 

I learn to appreciate things, little things that I always ignore when I'm having this so called POPULAR LIFE that I used to have. It is impressive By the way, I can now see the value of one thing before and after passing through my life. 

Maybe because I now realized and I now learned that giving a value to something valuable is the true meaning of its worth.

I might not get anything in return but that simple feeling that I get whenever I feel that value, is something I can say worth of my time, worth of my life.

No regrets, not less and not even much but just exactly as I want it to be for me. That is something I can call A LIFE. 

I maybe not give that acknowledgement to each and everything that is happening in my life but as I acknowledge them one by one is a small step for me into a new and big beginning.

Now I just have to drift my life around and make everything right. Put everything back on place and then maybe that time that I have made everything back on track, maybe that will be the time where I can enjoy the true meaning of Happiness, Excitement and Contentment to myself and to my life. 

This is just a bit part of my life and I hope you stay tune.

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