We've all been there: You open up a dating app, and within minutes you're swiping right on every hot guy or girl. But not everyone has the same approach to finding love. We asked some of our favorite dating experts for their tips on how to get a date on a dating app and this is what they said.

Create an awesome profile.

  • Be honest about who you are.

  • Make sure your profile is well written and interesting.

  • Include a good photo of yourself in the first place, and then make sure it's clear that you're looking for someone who enjoys similar activities as you do (for example: hiking). Make sure your profile includes things like interests and hobbies; even if they aren't super specific at first glance, people will be able to tell what kind of person they'd like to meet based on these details alone!

  • Include information about where the two of you live—this is important because location matters when trying to set up dates with other people!

Choose an appropriate dating app.

Choosing the right dating app for you is important. You need to choose an app that suits your needs and interests, as well as those of the person you are trying to meet.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a dating app:

  • How many users does it have? If there's no one in your area, then this may not be worth using.

  • Is it easy or hard to use? You don't want something too complicated or confusing!

  • Is it free or expensive? Most people get into debt using these sites so they want something cheap but effective (and preferably free).

Be honest.

Be yourself, be honest about your intentions and feelings. You don't have to be a total jerk if you're not interested in someone's type of person or they're not interested in yours—but it can help if you let them know why this is the case (Example: "I'm tired of people telling me what I need"). If someone asks why you aren't messaging them back right away, tell them straight up that it's because they seem like really boring people who would never find anything interesting enough in their lives to warrant a conversation with them (or at least those kinds of things). If someone asks how many dates have gone wrong so far this year alone (and if they aren't already aware), then tell them! It only takes two seconds for someone else's opinion on something like this; there are plenty more chances tomorrow night when everyone else has had their say already."

Don't take anything too seriously.

It's important to remember that this is just a first date, and you should approach it with the same amount of levity as other first dates. Don't worry about what happens after the first few minutes; don't expect too much from your match or from yourself. If things go well, great! If not, that's okay too—you can always try again later on.

Don't be hard on yourself if things don't work out between you and your potential partner

Have fun with it.

It's important to keep things light and casual when you're on a dating app. Don't take yourself too seriously—it's not a serious business!

Here are some tips for keeping your tone playful:

  • Make jokes. If you have an interesting story about something that happened in your life, tell it! But don't be afraid of making fun of yourself from time to time by telling offbeat stories (like the one where I got my first job at age 14). These types of anecdotes can come in handy when it comes time for them to score dates with other people who also like funny stories about themselves (or even just being funny).

Find common ground.

You may think that you have the same interests as your date, but it's important to find out if they do too. If not, then at least you'll know what topics of conversation to avoid—and that's always a plus! If your date has an interest in something you don't care about (like video games), then maybe there's no reason for either of you to continue dating anyway.

  • Ask them questions about themselves and their life experiences so that they feel comfortable opening up more than they usually would when talking with strangers online or face-to-face (but don't be too nosy!). You could even try asking questions like: "What are some things we could do together?" or "What are some activities/places we should check out?"

Become a master of the first message.

  • Be brief.

  • Be witty.

  • Be specific, not generic (Example: "I'm tall and handsome!" instead of "Hi").

  • Don't send the first message too long; it's a waste of time if you're going to get blocked right away because your message was too long or said nothing interesting at all! Also remember that most people are busy on their phones while they're waiting for other messages so if yours takes longer than usual then they may not even see it until later in the day when they have more time available again since they were already looking through their notifications earlier today (or maybe tomorrow). So try not ever send too long a text unless necessary especially since most people don't read everything anyway so there's no point in sending something which might end up being ignored anyway due simply lack discretion

Use the right pictures.

Now comes the fun part. You've got to choose a picture that shows off your personality and isn't too revealing. Here are some tips:

  • Choose an image that's not too dark or bright. You want to avoid having a photo taken with a completely flat lighting situation, because that can make you look washed out or even sickly-looking (which is not ideal for a dating profile). If possible, try taking pictures outdoors when there's plenty of natural light available—that way you'll be able to get more natural-looking photos without having someone photoshop them later!

  • Avoid using blurry images as well as images with large amounts of graininess in them; these types of photos tend to look tacky and unprofessional on social media sites like Tinder or Instagram due their lack of quality control over how they're processed before being uploaded onto those platforms' servers."

Don't have unrealistic expectations.

The idea of finding a partner who is exactly like you is an appealing one, but it's unrealistic. No two people are alike, and there's no point in trying to find someone who fits your ideal mold. Instead of searching for someone with whom you will 100% agree on everything, focus on finding someone whose values match yours and who shares similar interests and hobbies.

Date on, date on, date on!

If you're looking for a date, it's time to put yourself out there. Don't be afraid to say what you want! You might get rejected or ignored, but if that happens, don't take it personally! It's not personal; it's just part of the process. If someone says no or ignores your message altogether, just move on and find someone else who will appreciate your efforts (or maybe even respond).

If a guy doesn't respond right away—and sometimes they won't—it's okay: he may still see something in his life that makes him want this person more than whatever was going on with HER last night. Or maybe she wasn't ready yet? We've all been there before!

Dating is a great way to build connections, make friends and have fun. It’s also a great way to meet new people—all with the help of dating apps! So get out there and start swiping right on that cute boy or girl next door.

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