Relationships are hard work. And if you're not doing your part to spice things up, chances are your relationship is going stale. You know what I'm talking about: The same old stuff gets boring after a while and you need something new to keep things interesting.

Try a new experience together.

Consider taking your partner to a novel restaurant or activity if you're looking for something less intense. If you both enjoy eating out and are feeling adventurous, check out the local fare at your favorite restaurant—or try something new! If one of you prefers hiking to exploring the city, grab some gear and go on an adventure by yourself. Any activity that involves being outside, such as hiking through the woods or learning about art history from professionals at a museum exhibit or concert hall, will prove beneficial for keeping things fresh in any relationship because it forces each person involved into being fully present while simultaneously all of you are having fun. Alternatively, if neither of you enjoys museums but you still want to do something fun together (and get paid for it), go see what's open during its special exhibits days.

Ask for help

By asking for assistance, you can improve your relationship in a number of ways. Ask someone else in your life who is knowledgeable about the problem or issue you are facing for help. It can be especially helpful if they've already tried everything else (like running hot water over it) without success—they might have some ideas that will make things easier for both of you. For instance, if you are having trouble opening a stubborn jar of mayonnaise and can't seem to get it open no matter how hard you try, ask one of your friends who opens jars all day long.

Another great benefit of asking for help from others is that it gives us all the chance to grow as individuals through our shared experiences. It also gives us the chance to learn from other people's mistakes so we don't repeat them when we try something new again someday soon, hopefully before then. However, this may not be the case because I may just be being overly optimistic in this case, so in any case, whatever happens happens whether it be good or bad, it always improves us as individuals.

Get intimate by writing a love letter.

Try writing a love letter if you're looking for a way to enliven your relationship. It's a customary action that can make anyone feel valued and special. 

You don't have to write something overly complicated or romantic, despite the fact that you might be picturing the sappy notes your parents used to exchange when they were first dating. All you need is a little creativity, honesty, and perhaps even a few artistic flourishes! 

When there isn't much else going on around here besides Netflix marathons and no complaints from anyone involved in any way, shape, or form, this activity will at least give the two of you something enjoyable (and possibly even therapeutic) to do together on lazy weekend mornings."

Have sex in the shower.

  • Have sex in the shower.

  • Because it's simple and clean, this is a great way to enliven your relationship. It's simple to clean up afterward and you can experiment with different positions. By adding toys or other entertaining accessories, the water will assist you in making the situation more exciting and will give you the sensation of reliving an orgasmic experience.


Sex is significant. It can be a fun way to liven up the situation and it's a good way to stay connected. However, there are times when having sex can feel like a chore you must perform when your partner requests it or something you must perform because it is expected of you. Here are three ways to keep your sex life exciting if this sounds familiar:

  • Try new things; there are so many out there that will take your relationship in interesting directions (and at the very least, keep things interesting). Go berserk with what feels good and stare each other down as you do it. You could even get creative with some props (or just go naked).

  • This may seem obvious, but so many couples forget how much fun it is when both partners initiate sex rather than one person having complete control over whether they want it or not. This means there are no longer any justifications for being tired or sore later because both partners wanted this from the beginning.

We hope you've picked up some new relationship spicing tips. There are many ways to go about it, but the most crucial thing is to not just consider these things in terms of enjoyment; you also need to be dedicated to making them work. So keep trying to build relationships!

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