What Can I Say with Overly Lined Eyebrows?!

First and for most, Super overly lined eyebrows or should I say in layman’s term “THICK” eyebrows are horrible. Many people say it is one of the best trends and will make you look powerful and strong, dominant kind of person and the one who wants to lead the wolf pack. It is, and it will, because you already look like a witch. I mean a wolf that could lead a pack.

But for me, it’s not. There is a way of conception that is also being taken for granted just because it is one of the few easiest magic on putting a make up to a person, but simply the word conception, will not gonna impress everybody’s eyes that will make you look bad. Especially to those who has the eyes to criticize people who could be their imminent jurisdiction.

I am far from being perfect but so far, so good I know I am a working progress and I got my game really tight that every time I put my make up, I make sure that there will be a rain of compliments and a train of negative comments leaving my station.

Besides, applying thick eyebrows are only good for people who have a longer face or wider face not because of the extra space but, it will make their faces look balance to the form of their face which could lead to a compliment throughout a day.

I mean, let’s just put it in a situation like you’ve been compared to a guy because that guy who just got compared to you have a thin line eyebrows and you’re having like a  two leech in your face and you are totally ignoring it because you thought it was hip. How would you feel about it knowing that you’re a girl and he’s a guy but it seems like you both are playing the wrong eyebrow roles that will only going to make you feel bad about yourself.

And that is why I hate super overly lined eyebrows. They don’t make people look good; they don’t make girls look like girls. I mean, if you want to look like Kendall Jenner and you only have this eyebrows issue, why would you choose to look like Joe Jonas instead?

If that is the problem or if you think that it is the problem but you don’t know what to do, try to ask your most amazing friend who can perfectly make you feel perfectly ashamed of yourself that could lead you on being traumatized for days, make you cry yourself to sleep, and could make you feel that slitting your throat is the last frontier you could ever possibly doing, then­­­… go on… ask a friend… then after recovering on all of those painful thoughts that I just said, you will feel yourself more than Beyonce’s song and every 7 minutes in heaven that you have in your life will be just as normal as it is because you’ll gonna line those dirty little leeches away and will make them like a wand of a fairy.


Always remember to resemble your hair to your eyebrows, blend in by doing it a bit darker if you have light hair and a bit lighter when you have dark hair. You can also go with the same color as your hair, if that is what you want, I mean, everybody is a creative creature so, do your best.

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